Monday, September 20, 2004

The Fountain of Magical Brethren is a lie. It is easy for us, having experienced all of Harry's memories to recognize this and all. But what if we were not blessed with Harry's point of view? How would we see this fountain?

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Fountain of Magical Brethren represents one of the greatest lies in the Magical World. All of the creatures look up admiringly at the Wizard statue as if in awe of his magnificence and in awe of his protection. Yet, when we meet these creatures in real life, only those that seem almost brainwashed and put under spells really do look up to wizards like that. The house-elfs may see wizards as their protectors or what not, but yet house-elfs are enslaved by wizards. We have also seen hints that there reverence is brought about by some kind of enchantment. (Read my other article: Born a House-Elf; Born a Slave). On the other extreme are the Centaurs that truly abhor what Wizards stand for. Perhaps they represent a Native race that's lands were comandeered (stolen) by those with magical powers (wizards version of technology). The idea of centaur looking at a wizard in such reverence is dispicable! It just would not happen.

But do other wizards believe it will happen? Think about it. With Ron and Hagrid we see what being raised in a culture of slavery can do. You may buy into the bottom line of "They like slavery" because they were not there for the original enchantments. Raised into a certain way of thinking has a large bearing on how one sees the world. If one never saw a centaur, never talked with one that lives out in the dark forest (a reservation?), then one would not know that they do not like wizards. Especially if said person were to be told that they are admired by all the magical creatures. The Fountain of Magical Brethren tells us much of the politics happening in Harry Potter's world, and perhaps there is something that we could learn from it as well.

Here in America, there is a large population that seems to think that countries around us look up to us in the same way that people look up to the wizards in the fountain. Although 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that should be prevented and treated with respect, these people choose to ignore the causes of such attacks. The fact is that pushing our way around the world, especially on unilateral actions that are wrong in the first place, does not keep America safer. If anything, it makes us more vulnerable. For all the attacks we did in Iraq, we gave terrorist groups a heck of a lot of recruits. Why? Because people join those groups when they see nothing left to lose and they have been broked by too much violence and totalitarianism. Forget your passion on this issue for a moment and actually hear what I am saying. More and more people are stepping forward to say that Iraq never had anything to do with the terrorist group that attacked us, but yet we went there as a form of whatever guised in vengence and safety. Our president is as popular as he is because people look past the facts to the single headlines that says vengence is done and you are safe. (true he has lately admited we are not safe but has exploited this to get more votes despite the fact him in office makes us less safe in general because of fear). But I say that the circle of violence says only that vengence is not done till both are dead and we are a farther cry from safe than we were back before 9/11.

I think Harry Potter does an excellent show of how this plays out in the media. All of the headlines in Harry's world ignored the real issues to play on issues that would sell more papers. Only a paper designed to show propaganda managed to bring the truth to the people. The truth is that there is a lot of truth in the papers out there, but so much of it is being covered up by the politics of an election year. Bush leaps in the polls as people believe that he is saving our country, but I keep wishing someone would save us from him. The NY Times published many articles about what Bush has really done, and more and more books have come out. An interesting book from the right wing people called "Where the Right Went Wrong" even outlines this problem. I haven't read it yet. Only saw it on the Daily Show, but I know that the author supports Bush but not the war. I still don't understand how anyone supports Bush for he is bringing us away from a Democratic Republic into an Aristocracy where only the rich shall have enough to eat and an education to boot. Are we trapped in the fountain looking up at Bush as our savior, as a house-elf would, without realizing the realities of what is happening? Do we fail to notice what is being stolen behind out backs as we gaze so admiringly?

Quick Interruption:

Don't take my word for it! Check Out the Post below for places to do your own research! I will update it now and then.

Now back to the article:

I realize that Bush is one man and this goes far beyond one man. What I can't handle is the administration that comes with him and the lies that lay in their path. It is true that all presidents lie, but none has decieved as terribly as this one. And yet we buy it because we are filled with passion on subjects that he manipulates and exploits. Make no mistake, this coming election is not about Kerry vs. Bush. It is about the Democratic Republic vs. The Aristocracy. You may say privatiziation is good and limited government is good, but does limited government mean that it is okay to make only the wealthy well fed and educated while the peasants slave away? Because we are getting hella closer to that.

The Fountain of Magical Brethren teaches us that it is in one's point of view that a story is formed. To the reader, this fountain means a great lie that people are foolish enough to buy into. But to a character that has lived in this world, perhaps it means the passion of a false patriotism that leaves one above the others and the others lost in the wake to slavery, hunger, or the "dark forest" ( a place where civilized man would not enter).

A quick addition to what I was saying. I am not saying Patriotism is bad. Infact, I am a patriotic. I just don't like what the Religious Right (I'm of the Religious/Tolerant Left) has made patriotism over the last few years. Slowly they are making it a statement of intolerance and solidarity against an unforseen evil. But what evil is being done right now through this intolerance and this blind patriotism that has led us to do horrible things to too many people? I am patriotic but of the old school. I believe America is a place of Religious Freedom and growing tolerance. I am patriotic of a system that believes in free education for all and that everyone deserves to be fed. Maybe America never lived up to this ideal but now it is the farthest cry from it. And I am helpless to stop it. The Fountain lives on.

In other news, a world poll indicates that 30 out of 34 of the polled countries would vote for Kerry over Bush. Maybe they see something from a different point of view?

(my spell checker isn't working. No time to read this through. Sorry.)